Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Shine Rosewood

"Alcuni si ritengono perfetti unicamente perché sono meno esigenti nei propri confronti."
(Herman Hesse)

cordincini bracelet with Japanese and closing
soft and suitable for any occasion!

sale here

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Make The Razor Buggy Faster

"Fantasy is a place where it rains inside."
(Italo Calvino)

braciale molto semplice con cordoncini giapponesi e chiusura regolabile

in vendita qui

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Is Tea Tree Oil Bad For Kidneys

fantasy and the winner is ...

si conclude oggi il mio primo giveaway!
grazie mille a tutti i partecipanti,
nn mi sarei mai aspettata una affluenza così consistente!!! ben 85 !
grazie ancora ha chi a deciso di partecipare prima ancora di sapere i possibili premi o a chi ha condiviso il link nel proprio blog o profilo facebook... nn era necessario ma l'ho apprezzato tantissimo!
ma soprattutto è stata una bellissima occasione per scoprire e conoscere tante creative!

per tutti questi fantastici risultati ho deciso di premiare le prime due classificate, chiaramente per la scelta del premio si andrà in ordine...mi pare ovvio...
ma c'è anche un premio di consolazione, dicamo così, anche per tutti gli altri partecipanti:
uno sconto 10% of which take advantage until January 30 in my new store on ETSY
(Well ... yes .. . I made the big step I) by inserting
at the time of payment, the code " 20GY11bu " in the coupon.

but now we get to the point:
here is the result of the 'extraction "done with RANDOM.ORG

So the winners are: first place ...
followed by .... LIRIA !!

nn ok ok .... I can hide I'm particularly happy because I have a little 'a soft spot for this very good girls! :)))

thanks again to everyone who participated!
you look up ETSY!

remember the winners with a link to the folder where you can choose your prize:

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Kalabis Damian 3km Hindernis


"I would go up,
but I'm afraid of falling."
(Walter Raleigh)

brooch felt and fabric flower kanzashi with very large (10 cm) available on request in other combinations of patterns, colors and sizes

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Corporations That Donate To Schools

Muffins Cranberries

Ciao ho qualche minutino per postare questi muffins fatti per provare le mie nuove formine.
200 gr di farina
150 gr di zucchero
2 uova
100 ml di olio di semi

70 ml of milk 1 teaspoon baking powder 200 grams of cheese
50 grams of chocolate chips

20 g cocoa powder 4 tablespoons dried cranberries 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

the tip of a teaspoon of ginger.

As with all muffin proceed by setting aside the ingrdienti and other solids and liquid, and fill formine.Cuocere join them in a hot oven for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cn You Take Epilators On Planes?


Here once the cake for the 17th birthday of Frances.

I met you in a situation of particular suffering, and you know when you say "you have the grief companion lessened the pain?" with her had helped me so much .....

So I do not dwell because I do not like to remember sad things.

This time the base is a pastry pie stuffed with a daisy leggerissimostrato homemade quince jelly and cream.

is the cake.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hair Extensions Cost Jc Penney


"The grace, the most beautiful yet beauty. "
(Jean de La Fontaine)

earrings with silk cords and chains Chirimen Japanese with wooden beads and stones. safety lock.
simple and elegant at the same time

sale here

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

San Marzano Tomatoes Where To Buy Arizona


Allora:dopo Francesca,tortafiorita,halloween indovinate un pò?Brave il mio compleanno,quando? il primo novembre naturalmente.
La torta doveva essere semplice e veloce era già tardi dopo la festa di halloween ho messo a posto e subito a letto (si fa per dire).
Comunque il pds solito,la crema pasticcera al limone e bagna al limone.

ora concludo il post dicendo che chiunque desideri farmi un regalo può farlo liberamente aderendo a questa iniziativa.
Spero lo facciate in tanti


Ecco i dati per dare un contributo:

Intestatario del conto corrente messo a disposizione per la raccolta di fondi per gli alluvionati è la REGIONE DEL VENETO, Dorsoduro 3901, 30123 Venezia.

Bonifico bancario intestato a:

REGIONE DEL VENETO, Dorsoduro 3901, 30123 Venezia

Banca Unicredit

IBAN: IT 62 D 02008 02017 000101116078, Causale: "Emergency Flood November 2010"

Or by sending an SMS to 45501 for a contribution of 2 (two) €.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homemade Bean Soup Nutrition Facts


Hello, here is another set back, exactly the cake I made this request on October 23, ...... imagine Frank's birthday cake and flowers Halloween is not over.
However the recipe for the homeless is that of the PDS vanilla chantilly cream was white chocolate and vanilla and steeped in sugar syrup flavored with vanilla.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mtd Track Snowblower 5hp


still a place for the cake made for my mother's name day on October 2 (I know more than a month, but I have not had time to post it) the other I upon request made on behalf. Francis the second birthday, cha wanted it "simple." Then the usual
pds, chantilly cream, wet with water, sugar syrup and liqueur red sorrel.

this was for mom

sig.Francesco for this.
Sorry for the quality of the photos but I forgot of them and I used the cell., sig.Francesco liked to (thank goodness)

6 Ft Tall Man Calories


"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

earrings with Japanese silk cords Chirimen

sale here

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Differences Between Sinus And Atrial Tachycardia

This cake I made for Frank's birthday October 21.
The PDS is the same, was the pastry cream and chocolate.

this which gave the muffins at the end of the festival, all wrapped in the photo above, and in the midst of preparations for Halloween.