you ever think of an idea many, many, many times until you no stubborn and decide you need to achieve at all costs?
Oh well it happened to me this year and 2 times! eh, if you decide to do it there to mess with a lot of effort ... mica so much to do! The first idea was crazy wanting to carry out the advent calendar for children, which of course happened around October 30, not very late after all, if ... and I say if I had not even decided to do the same crib! when I say I do, I mean to do! This year I came chiribizzo of the Prespa, so armed with so much enthusiasm, I started looking for material to be able to achieve, but even if the market offers a significant amount of scenarios, huts, ornaments, I could not find anywhere the statues that had a 'air content, or at least relaxed! were all sad to say orribbili! so, just at that time of year I do not have anything to do for Christmas little thoughts, and office work reaches the edge of madness ... I decided to build the statues in the corn dough! It took the entire month, whereas I have worked only at night, sometimes jumping to fatigue, I succeeded in finish almost entirely in early dicemmbre.
Ah ... I almost forgot that December 7 was the birthday of my big puppy, 6 years and we do not do the party?! noooo, we can not do it! How do I order catering or do I? madness was out of control and I decided to do everything myself!
it the 6 are the preparations, the sponge and super charge and 7 with the help of a few pious souls, sandwiches, sandwiches, pizzas, pies, tarts, and of course the cake! I could make it very simple? I poked around a bit on the net and fell in love with pasta made with caralmelle mashmallows and I fun to make my first pie with this technique. Buooonaaaaaa, I recommend it.
Well but I can say that I have learned my lesson for next Christmas I will start working from Easter!
so I say it every year and then I end up doing everything from November onwards!
Dear friends I greet you because tomorrow is going to work and the alarm, the amiable friend, does not forgive!
I wish, though very late, HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL THE SERENITY RIDGE A year 'HEALTH, AND MANY EIB SOLDINI which is good!
you always come and find me complimeto with all the wonders you publish on your blog, I'm sorry you have not left feedback, but the time is really short and I'm glad a ficanasare bit by all!
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